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You weren't put on this earth to simply break-even..
You're here to break rules, to break records, to break through

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 27 July 2014
Do you look at others and compare yourself? Or are you looking at others and taking inspiration? This is a powerful concept I learn after starting my current business.

In traditional business or in the corporate world it is very competitive.  People would pull others down for them to get higher on the ladder. Back when I ran my franchise I found it very hard to look at a colleague or another business in a similar industry and take inspiration rather than competing.

When I joined my current business I brought this mindset along with me, which really didn’t serve me.  I spent my time looking at what others were achieving and getting annoyed and upset because they had achieved better than me even though I had been here longer.

This is not the way to achieve success - sitting in my own pity party and focusing on what others are doing is not a success strategy.  I have since learnt that I can look at what others are doing and use it as inspiration.  They are showing me the way and their example shows me how much more possible it is for me to achieve the same if not better. This mindset is so much more powerful and in alignment with creating success.

Have you ever been in the comparing phase?
Lee Anne BartlettAuthor:Lee Anne BartlettConnect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Personal DevelopmentWork from Home MumsProfessional DevelopmentBusiness General

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