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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 19 October 2010

Not everyone is familiar with affirmations and its real power. Affirmations are utilized as reminders, aiding to maintain positive messages to our awareness. It is not only essential to habitually think of these affirmations; it is also a great initiative to leave them displayed around the house, where you frequently see them. In short, they become your thoughts that you go over and over again until they become an attitude where the subconscious acts on them.

Before going any further, let’s first clear some misapprehension about affirmations. In order to affect somebody else’s actions, one cannot use affirmations. For instance, you cannot say an affirmation to act in a way you want them to do. You cannot say affirmations to alter past events or correct something that is already false. Affirmations perform superlatively when they are associated to you and your behavior and your objectives. Like for example, if you want to improve your relationship with someone and you want him to listen and understand you better, as mentioned earlier you cannot dictate someone to behave with an affirmation. Instead, you should be concentrating on you and your behavior, how you behave accordingly. You should be finding ways to aid someone understand you better. You should be saying the right words to help someone listen to you. You should look for ways to persuade someone to listen and understand you better.

In creating affirmations, you concentrate on what you desire and not on what you do not desire. Exercise to say your affirmations in your head to yourself. Train your mind to concentrate on what you want and create corresponding affirmations. When you exercise the affirmation in your head, you educate your mind to dwell positively and think positive and the most important, it stops from being negative.

Affirmations are powerful instrument that can help you build the life you’ve been wanting. But you have to continuously work and use them properly and regularly to the extent that they become your routine that you want to say them all of the time.

Affirmations are just one of many powerful methods you could utilize to get your subconscious mind going at a faster rate towards making the life you desire

Lee Anne BartlettAuthor:Lee Anne BartlettConnect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Personal Development

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